architecture disney tom sawyer raft landing
Walt Disney World, Orlando, Florida - 1973
photo December 2012
The Project
As a project designer with WED Enterprises, Walt Disney's architectural department, to design a ride entrance for the Tom Sawyer Raft ride
on the Rivers of America which would shelter the operator and waiting guests from the hot sun in an architectural style
consistent with early American life on the Mississippi.
"This little design project, was on a "rush order" for opening day for Walt
Disney World.
The pilings had already been placed without a design when I was asked to create a design that would fit the foundation .
The conceptual design took a little over an hour and was then passed on to a draftsman for completion."
Many million dollar projects which take months to design often end up on the shelf.
This little project came with a built-in satisfaction for the designer that it would be built... immediately.
unless noted otherwise all images copyright d. holmes chamberlin jr architect llc
Early original design sketch, Tom Sawyer's Raft Landing, Walt Disney World, Florida.
Tom Sawyer's Raft Landing, Walt Disney World, Florida.
Tom Sawyer Raft Landing, Walt Disney World, Orlando, Florida, USA, 2012.
"In December 2012, I had the opportunity to visit the site again with my grandchildren.
As far as I could tell, nothing had changed in the last 40 years."
copyright d. holmes chamberlin jr architect llc
page last revised june 2019